We made the process of updating your personal account details as simple as possible. You can change the following details in minutes on our app or website:
- Credit Card Information (if applicable) - See here!
- Beneficiaries
- Trustees
- Province
- Home Address
- Phone Number
- Gender
- Coverage Type (Solo, Duo, Family, Waive)
Note: If you would like to change any of the following information, you will need to contact [email protected]
- Email Address
- Dependents
- First & Last Name
- Date of Birth
Desktop Tutorial:
Mobile Tutorial:
1. From the App (Recommended)
When you open up the App, click the "Account" icon in the top right-hand corner, then make your selection, such as "Account Details".
2. From the Website
Sign in to your account at simplybenefits.ca, then click the Account icon on the top-right corner of the page. Next, click "My Account", and make your selection, such as "Account Details".
Note: Inaccurate account details can cause delayed and even denied coverage. It's important you keep your personal account details accurate at all times, to ensure there are no lapses or problems with your coverage.