Some accounts have access to pay premiums via Credit Card. You will know you have access if you see the "Update Credit Card" action in your My Account page. To ensure your benefits premiums are paid monthly on time, it's critical to keep your payment information up-to-date. Luckily, updating your credit card info is quick and easy. Follow these steps:
Note - at this time your credit card info cannot be updated from the mobile app.
- Log into your account at from a web-browser (ex. Chrome, Edge).
- From the Dashboard, select My Account or click the gear in the top-right.
- From the My Account page, select Update Credit Card.
- You will be taken to a secure external partner site ( where you can update your Credit Card information on file.
- Ensure your Card Information, Name, Country and Postal Code are all accurate.
- You will be returned back to the Simply Benefits portal once complete.
That's it! If you encounter issues with this process, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].