If you are expecting an email from the Simply Benefits system (Password Reset, New Member, Enrollment, etc.) but can't find it, it's likely the email just got filtered without you knowing.
Here are three common solutions to almost all lost email problems:
1. Ensure the email address we have for you is correct.
2. Check if the email was archived, deleted, or marked as spam.
3. Ensure that a mail rule or mail-forwarding setting isn't affecting the email.
For more information on how to find emails or make changes to your email account:
If you have ensured the above does not apply to you...
1. Are you registered with Simply Benefits under a work-provided email account? If so, you may need to contact your employer/IT team and ask if other staff have received emails from us. If others have had issues, there may be an administrative blockage. Your IT team may be able to confirm whether or not this is the case.
2. Are you registered with Simply Benefits under a public/free email account (Gmail, Hotmail, Live, etc)? If so, reach out to us at [email protected] with as much information as possible about what you have tried so far and our team will work with you.
Tip: In most mail applications, a lost email can be found by using the 'search function' in your inbox. Simply type in "Simply Benefits", and our email should appear.