If you have an update or information you would like to share with your employees, you can send them an email and/or push notification from the Simply Benefits platform.

If you would like to send a notification to all employees, follow these steps:

1. First, log into your account on the admin platform

2. Next, from your home dashboard click on the "Employees" tile (tab).

3. Then, click be sure that "All Employees" is selected on the left-hand side of your screen.

4. Next, click the "Notify Employees" button on the left-hand side of your screen. 

5.  Then, for "Notification Type" select how you would like to notify your employees (email, push notification, or both).

6. Next, for "Message Type" select "Custom".

7. For the "Custom Subject" type in a few words informing what the notification will be about.

    Example: Employee Benefits Update

8. For the "Custom Message" type in the information that you would like to send to your employees. This should be formatted similarly to how you would send an email.

9. Once you have confirmed that all the information you would like to send out is correct, click the "Send" button. 

Your employees should receive the email and/or push notification within a few minutes after sending it.

If you would like to send a notification to a specific employee, follow these steps:

1. First, log into your account on the admin platform

2. Next, from your home dashboard click on the "Employees" tile (tab).

3. Then, find the employee you would like to send the email and/or push notification to.

4. Next, click on the three dots next to their name, and then click "Notify".  

5.  Then, for "Notification Type" select how you would like to notify your employee (email, push notification, or both).

6. Next, for "Message Type" select "Custom".

7. For the "Custom Subject" type in a few words informing what the notification will be about.

    Example: Employee Benefits Update

8. For the "Custom Message" type in the information that you would like to send to your employee. This should be formatted similarly to how you would send an email.

9. Once you have confirmed that all the information you would like to send out is correct, click the "Send" button. 

Your employee should receive the email and/or push notification within a few minutes after sending it.

To learn how to send an email or push notification, you can also watch the video below: