What is the Employee Family Assistance Benefit?

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be affecting their job performance, health, and overall well-being. EAPs typically offer a range of services including counseling, referrals to mental health professionals, financial and legal assistance, substance abuse support, and other resources to help employees address issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, substance abuse, financial difficulties, and more.

EAPs are often confidential and provided by employers as part of their benefits package. By providing access to professional assistance and resources, EAPs can help employees improve their overall quality of life both at work and outside of work. 

Where can I find details on this Benefit?

To find important details and information on your Employee Family Assistance benefit:

1. Navigate to your Simply Benefits Portal/App

2. Select "Coverages" from the side bar menu

3. Click the plus sign beside Employee Assistance Program

How do I receive assistance?

There are different steps depending on the Carrier that provides your benefit. You can determine which carrier you are covered with by referencing the details of your benefit. ( See instructions above )

EAP with our Partner HumanaCare

Members need to call the HumanaCare support line to speak with a nurse who can provide short term assistance or assist you in finding a long term care provider. This number is available in the coverage section of the Simply Benefits Portal/pp.

Call HumanaCare at : 1-800-661-8193

EAP with our Partner Dialogue

Members will need to create an account with Dialogue to receive assistance. 

Links to create an account with Dialogue are available under Employee Assistance Program in the Coverage section of the Simply Benefits Portal/App.  Select the link to learn more about the benefit. You can review all details about your benefit with Dialogue via this information page. 

At the bottom of the page select "Access my Dialogue Account" to begin setting up your account