Simply Benefits requires use of photos/files when uploading claims. You can take a picture at the time of claim submission, or you can select an existing photo from your phone. In order to select an existing photo, you must have access to photos enabled for the app. If the option to "Select Photo" is missing,


  1. Navigate to "Settings" on your iPhone
  2. Scroll down to "Simply Benefits" and select it
  3. Select "Photos"
  4. Tap the desired access level - we highly recommend 'All Photos'. If you choose 'Selected Photos', you will have to manually provide permission to the app for each photo each time you make a claim.

Android Phones

(These instructions might differ slightly for some phones - contact us if you require support)

  1. Navigate to "Settings" on your Android phone
  2. Find "Apps" and select it
  3. Scroll down to "Simply Benefits" and select it
  4. Find "Permissions" and select it
  5. Ensure 'Camera' and 'Storage' are enabled

Simply Benefits does not attempt to interact with files/photos on your phone ever for any reason, unless you manually select one to be uploaded as part of a claim.